Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two Poems from Tomb

1) Excuse me while I kiss the sky

It feels like soaring
the same proud, majestic owl
up, down, through and through.

I stroll through the woods
and leave its feathers falling
from the air and sky.

Though I can not see
Man’s best friend looks up at me
As he guides me through

Ah tempest fugate
But I care not for the bell
Should it toll for me.

2) Up is down, black is white

Icarus flew high
It's the same when love must end
We all plummet down.

Is marriage a sham?
Maybe it was a mistake
To invent a croc!

But they knew better
Than those who have lived through it
Now their love is his?

Devils will temp you
His charm gave you both some rope
And you hung with it!

But like Icarus
Their love has not plummeted
Just reached their epoch.


  1. Comparing marriage to the story of Icarus is interesting. I love the final verse that seems to validate the couple who married, although society currently doesn't seem to respect marriage anymore. People assume it will end in divorce. I think this poem is talking about what happens to married people when they die. It is interesting that you left God out of the equation. It seems preChristian to me. Rather than the lovers going to Heaven, they are going to Hell, but it seems more like Hades than the Christian Hell. The video fit your poem wonderfully too. Did you find the video and write the poem, or did the video just happen to be there when your poem was finished?

  2. Very nice! I liked Icarus being compared to marriage. I agree with Caitlin....it was an interesting point. I really liked the second to last stanza "Devils will temp you....etc". But I also liked the croc line....random yet entertaining and well placed.
